StayCPRCertified is a Proud American Red Cross Authorized Provider!!

Tears roll down my eyes as I proudly muse on how so very LEGIT StayCPRCertified is as a premier CPR Training Provider. If you don’t mind, I’m going to toot our own horn a bit and tell you that not only are we an Authorized American Red Cross Training Provider, we have been in the business for over 6 years certifying individuals in lifesaving CPR/AED and First Aid skills. Aaaand we have amazing instructors who make classes and the content “stick” so that you walk away with the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies. I could go on and on about StayCPRCertified but i like a short and sweet blog post so i’ll leave it there. Go to the workplace training page or class calendar, sign up for a course and see for yourself.


Why Every NYC Personal Trainer Should be CPR Certified…